Friday, December 5, 2008

Pallatt Prayer Letter for Oct-Nov-Dec 2008

Christmas Greetings in the Wonderful Name of Jesus!

With the crushing economic news day after day this Christmas season is shaping up to be one that some of us just want to see in our rearview mirror. But wait, we believers don’t (or should I say, shouldn’t) measure how good a Christmas is by the number and size of our gifts—either given or received. Gifts are fine; but this year we are especially challenged to see Christmas for what it really is, a time to reflect on and celebrate the wonderful news the angel brought to the shepherds, “Do not be afraid, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. Today in the town of David, a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord!” (Luke 2:10-11) Since it’s Christmas, let’s talk family here… First, Rita continues to serve the Lord with her work at Community Christian Academy and also at LifeSong Community Church. She is a dynamo!

And we have to show you a picture of the grandkids… Charlie is 3 and Haddon is 16 months. What a joy it was to be with Rebekah and Chas and the boys for Thanksgiving this year. Those two can really wear out their P-Pop! But P-Pop and of course, Granma really love every minute. Also I want to thank son-in-law, Chas, or correctly, Rev. Chas Rowland, Pastor of Duck Hill Baptist Church, for letting me preach on the Sunday after Thanksgiving. What a privilege and blessing it was.

We are proud and happy to also report that our son Ryan just completed his Associate’s degree in Graphic Arts with honors and is working in the Orlando area.

The Lord has blessed our kids with exceptional skills and creativity. It is a joy to see Roger being blessed in his tile and flooring business in the Melbourne area. And we are happy to announce that Roger and Kristin are now engaged and happily making wedding plans.

I want to remind you that if you don’t have regular access to a computer, please check in when you can to: to read my latest notes and prayer requests.

SUPPORT: All I will say here is that we need a miracle… Our short-fall now stands at $8,000 for the year. After a good September and October, November was the lowest in years. Please pray with us for this need.

In case you misplaced the address, please mail your gift to:
EFCA – Donor Services
901 E 78th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55420

Make your check payable to: Evangelical Free Church of America
Please note: Pallatt Support #1852

Our Christmas prayer for you this year is that you would know the true joy of the Lord in your life!

Your partners in Christ’s service, Roy & Rita

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