Thursday, July 3, 2008

Prayer Update July 1, 2008

Greetings Prayer Team,
As always, you are such a blessing to us. We ride (serve) on the wings of your prayers!

Here are some of our current prayer issues:

1. Our team leader in the Philippines writes…

Sounds like you have heard some of the news concerning the typhoon which went through the Philippines last week and the damage. The ship that sank was from Manila headed to our town, here in Cebu. I have asked several and it seems that people in our churches were not directly affected. But the flooding in Iloilo did directly affect an EFC church. The pastor and his family live in the church and they wound up crawling up on the roof, the water came up to the roof…they went from roof to roof to escape, having their kids in a Styrofoam box in case they were swept away…they made it out fine but left with the clothes on their backs…they are staying an hour north with relatives and returning each day to begin cleaning the mud before it dries…virtually everything was destroyed. The city is still without electricity so they are returning north each evening.

We have sent $200 to the pastor in this area and $50 to a place further north, Antique. The churches here in Cebu will be taking up a special offering this Sunday. One of the Cebu team members is planning to go in another week and will try and assess how they can further help.

Pray that we will be used by the Lord to be a direct help to those most in need. And pray that the Lord would provide additional resources to be used as He would direct, for His glory!

2. Rita and I are really entering a busy time as I not only keep up on the Asia work on a day to day basis, but now our weekends will be especially filled. Rita will be working particularly hard to keep our worship team bringing glory to God each Sunday morning, and I will be filling in with preaching duties now that our pastor has resigned. The church is really a church-plant and can’t afford to call a full-time pastor, so by God’s grace we will do what the Lord calls us to do. Please pray for strength and wisdom from the Lord for us and that we would be faithful.

3. But in the midst of it all, we are planning a trip to see our daughter and son-in-law AND our two GRANDCHILDREN (ages 1 and 3) at the end of July. We would appreciate your prayers for safe travel, times of rest, and still time to keep up on all our work.

May the Lord’s blessings pour out on all who read this, and may He meet your deepest need!

Our love in Christ,
Roy & Rita
Serving Jesus Christ wherever we are!

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