Monday, September 24, 2018

I almost died... But I didn't

Yes, it's been a long time since I wrote my blog.  But I'm back... I spent the better part of a week in the hopsital last Easter. (What a way to celebrate the most important day in history: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.)  I had recently been diagnosed with Stage IV Metastatic Prostate Cancer.  Sometime later I asked one of my doctors this question:  "It was told that my cancer is not cureable and I will die of it.  Is that still a true statement?"  He said, "Normally in your condition doctors would say, 'You have between 6 months and 2 years.' But you have responded very positively to your treatment, so we can't say'..."  Now I've passed the 6 month marker and continue to take Casodex, Tamsulosin, Eligard and Xgeva.  In some ways I feel better than I have in probably a year. Spiritually I have NEVER felt better!  My Lord has revealed Himself to me in ways I never have experienced.  I begin and end each day praising Him... like never before.  My life has never been better.  Thank you, Jesus! 

Tuesday, April 21, 2015

More time together

Quick update... Roger, Kristin and the boys are now settled into their first home of their own. They now live "Beachside" and are loving it.  We still play a large role in helping them in their tile installation business by watching the boys most every day... and loving it.  As others have said: It keeps us young.

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Forward looking...

Here's where my head is right now... World domination... Well that's maybe a bit strong.  No it's not about how the pharmaceutical industry dominates my world; or how the "education" industry is making the next generation poorer, and at the same time less equipped to earn a decent living in this world.  No, right now my mind is planning and implementing a move back to West Melbourne, FL and living in a three-generation home... And I am very excited about my future!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Is LifeSong a Micro-church?

We all know what a Mega-church is, right?  But how many of you know what a Micro-church is?  I believe LifeSong Community Church is a Micro-church.  The great thing is that God has done it right before our eyes.  None of us at LifeSong thought this is what we would be after all this time.  (And for sure none of us thought we would be a Mega-church either.)  There are more, but these are two passages from the Bible that define us as a Micro-church—Matthew 18:20 "Where two or three are gathered together..." and Matthew 28:19-20 "Make disciples...".  Check these out and let me know what you think.  Also, it is interesting that many years ago Lanny, Jason, Tony and I were asking ourselves what would be a simple statement that would describe the mission of LifeSong, and "Love God, Love People" was the result.  I say, Fantastic! Thank you, Lord that we are your church.

Friday, January 11, 2013

Transitioning from ReachGlobal

It's that time... 2012 was indeed a year of transition.  When it began we didn't know it would end like it has. As of January 31, 2013 we will no longer be ministering with ReachGlobal with whom we are served since being accepted with the mission in 1992 and left for Singapore in 1993.  Those 20 years have been wonderful in so many ways.  I will miss working with such a great group of colleagues that have grown into friends.  What a blessing!  What's ahead?  Our ministry at LifeSong Community Church will continue.  More on that later...

Monday, May 14, 2012

2012: Year of Transition

Yes, so much has changed since my last update. My work with ReachGlobal has taken a major turn and 2012 will be devoted to this transition. I have already had the privilege of sharing these changes in Ft Myers EFC - FL, CrossRoads Community Church in Naples, FL and others in the works. I am excited about the opportunity to serve the cause of Christ in Mexico, Costa Rica, Honduras, Venezuela, Peru, Brazil, Haiti and Dominican Republic. My office remains for now in Jupiter, FL with my wife and ministry partner, Rita. Contact me to arrange a visit to update you on this new work at


Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nine months later

Yes, it's been nine months since I've posted anything here. A lot of "life and ministry" has happened since my last post, April 2009. I am writing now because of the earthquake in Haiti that took place Tuesday, January 12th. As of today, we have delivered 38 boxes of medical supplies from Greg Schuenke's home in Ft Lauderdale to Missionary Flights International, at the airport in Ft Pierce, FL. [Greg is Vision of Hope Ministries, president and overseas Pastor Henoc Lucien, a church planting pastor in the Cap Haiten (north) area of Haiti.] Just when I was praying, "Lord, I am too busy. I have to think of some way to cut down," then this happened. Isn't there an old saying, something like "there's always room for one more." Yeah, one more box in a full car... one more thing to do, for the glory of God. Let me know if you're reading this...