Monday, September 24, 2018

I almost died... But I didn't

Yes, it's been a long time since I wrote my blog.  But I'm back... I spent the better part of a week in the hopsital last Easter. (What a way to celebrate the most important day in history: The Resurrection of Jesus Christ.)  I had recently been diagnosed with Stage IV Metastatic Prostate Cancer.  Sometime later I asked one of my doctors this question:  "It was told that my cancer is not cureable and I will die of it.  Is that still a true statement?"  He said, "Normally in your condition doctors would say, 'You have between 6 months and 2 years.' But you have responded very positively to your treatment, so we can't say'..."  Now I've passed the 6 month marker and continue to take Casodex, Tamsulosin, Eligard and Xgeva.  In some ways I feel better than I have in probably a year. Spiritually I have NEVER felt better!  My Lord has revealed Himself to me in ways I never have experienced.  I begin and end each day praising Him... like never before.  My life has never been better.  Thank you, Jesus!