Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Nine months later

Yes, it's been nine months since I've posted anything here. A lot of "life and ministry" has happened since my last post, April 2009. I am writing now because of the earthquake in Haiti that took place Tuesday, January 12th. As of today, we have delivered 38 boxes of medical supplies from Greg Schuenke's home in Ft Lauderdale to Missionary Flights International, at the airport in Ft Pierce, FL. [Greg is Vision of Hope Ministries, president and overseas Pastor Henoc Lucien, a church planting pastor in the Cap Haiten (north) area of Haiti.] Just when I was praying, "Lord, I am too busy. I have to think of some way to cut down," then this happened. Isn't there an old saying, something like "there's always room for one more." Yeah, one more box in a full car... one more thing to do, for the glory of God. Let me know if you're reading this...