Friday, March 13, 2009


In following a link from a friend on Facebook, I came across a writer for Time magazine by the name of David Van Biema, whose latest article for TIME is entitled, "The New Calvinism." I read the article and would first want to say that it was well-written but had a dash of bite to it--probably just what TIME wanted. Anyway, I wanted to know more about Mr. Van Biema and thanks to the marvel of the internet, immediately found out that he was recently married to another writer (female) in California by a Rabbi. Anyway, the article was so good, and I had another minute so I searched some more and found another of his works this time having to do with Mother Teresa. It was that article that inspired me to reflect a little...
Mother Teresa spent over 60 years doing what I would call, serving the Lord. Over the years like so many others, I have always admired her for her faithfulness and selflessness, two marks of a believer in Jesus Christ, or to simply say, a Christian. But in his article I read of Mother Teresa's clear lack of what I would call, 'real' faith. We can do, do, do, so many things that we would all applaud as good, even extremely good, even sainthood good, but in the end that's not what will matter on our judgement day. Two things...we should never raise a person up too far and our own eyes, but rather leave those ultimate judgements to our Lord; and two, it is never our 'works' but our abiding faith and trust in Jesus Christ that we can live with the assurance and hope of spending eternity with our Lord and even that is a gift from God (better stated in Ephesians 2:8-9). I am thankful for the Holy Spirit... the Comforter in my life that for some reason unknown to me, Mother Teresa apparently didn't have.
Just some thoughts.