Saturday, October 11, 2008

Update on Special Appeal & other Prayer Requests

Dear Pallatt Prayer Team,
I promised to keep you updated and here is the latest…

This is a PRAISE… Last month I sent out on important appeal related to our support lacking situation. We asked for people to prayerfully consider a special offering to help us eliminate our fund deficit and the Lord spoke. The September support was the largest in three years and after meeting the current month needs we were able to put nearly $500 toward our deficit. We are asking our Heavenly Father to move among His people to help us fully eliminate that deficit. You should know we have reduced our salary by $400 a month to do our part meeting this need.

Another PRAISE… Rejoice with us in that we have a new single missionary going to Mongolia for a one-year work with our team there. I have been busy working with our national office making sure her financial matters are in order so she can be free to do the good things God has prepared her to accomplish. I really enjoy seeing new missionaries be successful in going through all steps of preparation that it takes to actually finally leave for the field.

PRAY for me, Roy, as I have just come through about a six-week project of working with all our missionaries to help them get their 2009 support budget worksheets completed so we can be ready for the new payroll in January. Also my ongoing work is to help all of our staff to improve in their use of the new online expense reporting system. May the Lord grant me wisdom to be a blessing to all of our missionaries serving in Japan, Mongolia, the Philippines and several Creative Access areas in Southeast Asia.

PRAY for Rita as she works extra hours in her dual ministries of worship leader at our church-planting work near where we live here in Stuart, FL and also her other ministry helping Community Christian Academy grow and build their fine arts program to the glory of God.

Pray for wisdom for us both as we often find ourselves working into the night, day after day because there is so much to do. We know God would not want us to over-do the work part of life, even if it is for His kingdom. May we regularly stop and rest in Him and let Him fill us again with His strength.

May God’s richest blessings be on you and those you love!
-Roy and Rita