Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Special Appeal

Dear Pallatt Prayer Team,
We Christians come is all sizes, colors and circumstances… Some of us have needs and some have a surplus… and yes, God always meets our “needs.”

This is for you who may find yourself with a ‘surplus’ or nevertheless, would choose to help. Personally, Rita and I prefer to be in the ‘surplus’ group so we can help those in the need group, but for now we have a need that is pressing and we can’t shoulder it without your help. We are asking and praying that it will be resolved, by God’s grace, between now and the end of December.

We need to raise financial support over and above our regular monthly need. The goal is to eliminate a $7,000 account DEFICIT. So that’s the target we ask you to pray about with us and give as the Lord leads and provides.

If you would like to use your credit or debit card, we now have this link to help you do that:

The designation box should read: Roy & Rita Pallatt – 1852

(You will receive a tax receipt for your gift.)

God has provided in these situations before and we know He can again. We are just asking if you would be a part of helping with this need.
We indeed are deeply thankful for your partnership in the cause of Christ in Asia over these years, both financially and certainly in your prayers.

I will keep you informed how God chooses to answer us.

No matter what, TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Pallatt Prayer Letter Jul-Aug-Sep 2008

(P-Pop and Charlie doing our computer work)

Greetings Friends & Family,

Most of you receive my notes of prayer requests and praises through email. But I realize some of you don’t have a computer and unless you get my letters in the mail, you don’t hear from me. I pray that four times a year is enough for you to always “feel connected.” Also I would encourage you, when you do have access to the Internet to type in: to read my latest personal notes and prayer requests. This is my weblog (World Wide Web log) known as a “blog.” (Now you know some internet-talk.)

So often things happen in “my part of the world” and people ask me such things as, “Did the typhoon that hit Myanmar affect your work?” …or, “…the china earthquake…?” Though I don’t work directly with people in these two areas, we certainly know people who do, particularly from our years in Singapore. These events brought such immense devastation that life for those people who survived will never be the same. But now after the news media are gone, the people of God remain to help. Here’s a current update from ReachGlobal concerning these two areas:

—After the cyclone devastated the Delta, many people have come to know Christ, worshiping God and studying the Word every night in the church. Local authorities are troubled by the presence of a Christian organization and people coming to Christ. Please pray for the new believers to stand firm in the Word and in their faith. Pray that our ReachMyanmar ground team will have courage and wisdom in dealing with local authorities and in the community. Ask God to provide more opportunities to impact people's lives through the gospel and the help given.

China—Pray for the local believers who are reaching out to the earthquake victims. There is uncertainty as to whether officials will continue to allow people to go into the affected areas after this month. Pray for those living in temporary shelters. Many are without work and trying to figure out ways to support themselves. Officials are working to get the homeless temporary housing before winter. Pray that the ReachGlobal staff will know the best way to use the resources and time available to them. Pray that they will rely on His strength and not their own as they experience extra stress on family and ministry.

Follow-up Notes: LifeSong Community Church – We are still waiting on the last of the many permits before actual construction begins on LifeSong’s first ministry facility. Pray for me as I preach the Word each week and continue to support Rita as she leads worship. Pray for Rita as she has begun a new school year of teaching and building a Christ-honoring Fine Arts program at Community Christian Academy in Stuart, FL. And please pray for Pastor Lanny Penwell in his search for ministry options now that he is no longer with LifeSong.

SUPPORT: At this point we have an emergency need to raise $7000 to eliminate our ministry account deficit by the end of the year. So far this year only March and May saw support that met our budget need, and now we are facing our second salary cut this year. Please ask the Lord to move His people to give to this need.

We truly thank you for your support. (2 Cor. 9:7)

In case you misplaced the address, please mail your gift to:
EFCA – Donor Services
901 E 78th Street
Minneapolis, MN 55420

Make your check payable to: Evangelical Free Church of America
Please note: Pallatt Support #1852