Wednesday, August 20, 2008


We recently returned from a great working vacation with our daughter and son-in-law, Rebekah and Chas Rowland, in Duck Hill, Mississippi. We had an espeically great time with our two grandsons, Charlie (2 1/2) and Haddon (1). Those kids are so much fun. Between trying to keep up on mission emails, we spent some quality time playing with Charlie's GeoTrax set. P-Pop, that's me, learned a lot about what's important to a two and a half year old of today.
Now back in Floida, we also were surprised by Tropical Storm Fay. It's still lingering to our north and continues to dump rain and wind gusts of 40 plus MPH. That's not a hurricane, but after some 36 hours of it and the loss of our internet for a couple of hours, we really thought we were battling a full hurricane.
May God bless each of you for your prayers and suppport.
Blessings until the next update.